GreenFOX® heat pump


The smart heat pump 

with really green energy.

With the GreenFOX air heat pump, we have developed a heat pump that is as sustainable as possible, based on proven technology. The GreenFOX sets a completely new standard in the operation and control of heat pumps: Smart control with the unique GreenMode, which enables maximum green heating, are just a few of the highlights.  

The GreenFOX heat pump in monoblock construction is particularly quiet, comes in a stylish design and three colors and is manufactured with the usual ÖkoFEN electronic components in our main factory in Niederkappel. 

THAT is quality made in Austria.

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A heat pump that suits you.

 We have not only valued quality, efficiency and functionality, but also the design. The GreenFOX heat pump is an elegant, stylish outdoor unit. Available in the colors white, gray and anthracite, there is the right style for every house.


GreenFOX convinces


Automatically optimize heating operation

Die smarte Regelung, die auch Wetterprognosen nutzt, passt – je nach grünem Stromangebot – den Heizbetrieb automatisch an. Die Wärmepumpe heizt somit, das gesamte Jahr, effizient, umweltfreundlich und dann, wenn es notwendig ist. So werden Sie komfortabel mit flexibler und wirklich grüner Wärme versorgt. Für ein völlig flexibles und selbstbestimmtes Heizmanagement können Sie die GreenMode-Option jederzeit pausieren.

The smart control, which also uses weather forecasts, automatically adjusts the heating operation depending on the green electricity supply. The heat pump thus heats efficiently, environmentally friendly and only when it is necessary, all year round. In this way you are comfortably supplied with flexible and really green heat. You can pause the GreenMode option at any time for completely flexible and self-determined heating management.

This is ÖkoFEN's GreenMode.

Really economical heating with electricity price data

Even if you produce your own electricity via a PV system and use it for your heat pump, at some point - especially in winter - this will reach its limits and access to external electricity will come into play. If external power consumption is unavoidable, the electricity price and costs play a central role.

But the GreenFOX heat pump accesses the electricity price exchange via a database and automatically reacts to fluctuations. If, for example, a price increase or peak occurs during a "standard heating period", the controller optimizes the heating times of the heating system so that heating is simply carried out during a cheaper period. In this way, you are automatically supplied with electricity that is as green AND as cheap as possible.

As with GreenMode, you always decide for yourself whether to use this function.

Made in Austria - produced in Niederkappel

Our skilled workers assemble the GreenFOX heat pump, which consists mainly of European components, at the European headquarters. Each device is filled, tested and undergoes strict quality assurance.

We attach great importance to quality and sustainability in all our products - we rely on high-quality and predominantly European components as well as reliability and durability.