Site map
- pellet-heating
Here you'll find the perfect pellet heating system for your new build or renovation ➤ Europe’s specialist in pellet boilers!
- Pellet boilers
- Condensing technology
Pellet boiler systems with condensing technology are efficient and environment-friendly ➤ Here you'll find an overview of the pellet boilers with condensing technology from ÖkoFEN.
- Condens (10-32 kW)
The Pellematic Condens pellet condensing boiler enables the use of condensing technology. ✓ Record efficiency: 107.3% ➤ Find out more!
- Smart XS
The Pellematic Smart XS combines pellet condensing technology ✓ 335 l buffer cylinder ✓ heating circuit assembly and fresh water module in one appliance ➤ Find out more!
- Maxi
The pellet boiler with condensing technology for large systems ✓ Wood pellet boiler with output up to 256 kW ➤ Find out more about the Pellematic Maxi condensing technology!
- Condens (10-32 kW)
- Conventional technology
Modern pellet boilers with conventional technology: ✓ convenient ✓ environmentally friendly ✓ economical ➤ Overview of pellet boilers with conventional technology from ÖkoFEN.
- Compact (10-32 kW)
With a footprint of only 0.5 square metres, the Pellematic Compact finds space in the smallest boiler or utility room ✓ Economical & efficient ➤ Find out more!
- Pellematic
The ÖkoFEN Pellematic features tried-and-tested technology & impresses with total reliability and the highest quality ➤Find out more!
- Air
No water heating circuit available? ÖkoFEN has the perfect heating system: ✓ The innovative Pellematic Air pellet hot-air heating system ➤ Find out more!
- Maxi (36-224 kW)
The Pellematic Maxi builds on the proven technology of the Pellematic range ✓ ideal for large systems ➤ Find out more about the Pellematic Maxi from ÖkoFEN!
- Compact (10-32 kW)
- Electricity-generating
Produce efficient & environment-friendly electricity from pellets: Find out more!
- Condens_e
Heat with pellets while generating electricity ✓ No heat losses ✓ CO2-neutral operation ➤ Information regarding power-generating pellet heating from ÖkoFEN!
- myEnergy365
ÖkoFEN myEnergy365 allows you to generate electricity & heat from pellets & solar yourself all year round ➤ Find out more about myEnergy365!
- Condens_e
- ZeroFlame
Wood pellet boilers with ZeroFlame technology are highly efficient & clean ➤ More information about the cleanest ÖkoFEN wood pelet boiler ever!
- Storage
We offer space-saving & cost-effective solutions for storing your pellets and various conveyor systems ➤ Find out more!
- Flexilo storage tank
With a Flexilo storage tank, your pellets are stored ✓ compactly ✓ protected from moisture & ✓ cost-effectively ➤ Find out more about the pellet tank from ÖkoFEN!
- Flexilo Outdoor
With a Flexilo pellet tank, pellets are ✓ space-saving ✓ protected from moisture & stored cost-effectively ➤ Learn more about pellet silos from ÖkoFEN!
- Pellet hopper for manual filling
180 kg pellet hopper for manual filling ✓ particularly quick & easy conversion to regenerative heating with pellets ➤ Find out more!
- Storage room
ÖkoFEN supports you from planning through to implementing your pellet storage room ✓ Integrated systems ➤ Professional pellet storage from ÖkoFEN!
- Flexilo storage tank
- Solar
Utilise free energy from the sun and significantly ease the burden on your household budget ➤ Heat accumulators & solar collectors from ÖkoFEN!
- Smartlink heat accumulator
The ÖkoFEN Smartlink heat accumulator is the ideal solution for small storage rooms ➤ More information about the Smartlink!
- Pellaqua heat accumulator
The ÖkoFEN Pellaqua cylinder range is the optimum interface between your pellet boiler & the solar collectors ➤ Further information about heat accumulators!
- Pellesol Top solar collector
Pellesol solar collectors are the perfect complement to your pellet heating system ➤ Find out more about solar collectors from ÖkoFEN!
- Smartlink heat accumulator
- Controller
The ÖkoFEN heating systems is optimally prepared for heating in the smart home ➤ Find out more!
- Pelletronic Touch
The Pelletronic Touch heating controller is the innovative interface between the various central heating and DHW heating components ➤ Find out more!
- myPelletronic App
Smart heating control via our new app ✓ New functions for more comfort ➤ Download now!
- Smart PV
Smart PV is energy management for energy-efficient integration of power production with your heating system ➤ Find out how you can store solar power conveniently!
- Smart home
ÖkoFEN heating systems are optimally prepared for heating in the smart home ➤ Find out more about the myPelletronic app!
- Loxone
Integrate your ÖkoFEN pellet heating system easily into the Loxone Smart Home control system ➤ Including explanation video!
- Loxone
- Pelletronic Touch
- Miscellaneous
Everything from a single source – for smooth planning of your heating system ➤Find out more!
- Chimney systems
Are you replacing your old boiler with a modern pellet heating system? ➤ Find out more about the suitable & coordinated system from ÖkoFEN!
- Heating centre
The pellet heating centre from ÖkoFEN is a ready-made system with pellet boiler & storage ➤ Find out more about the ÖkoFEN heating centre!
- Product recommendations
- Chimney systems
- Condensing technology
- Heatpump
- Advisor & subsidies
- OekoFEN Advisor
Would you like to know more about the right heating system? In the ÖkoFEN Advisor, we inform you about pellet and solar heating systems ➤ Find out more.
- All about pellets
Why heat with pellets? Here are 8 reasons why pellets are the best energy source ➤ Find out more about pellets!
- Pellet storage options
What needs to be considered when it comes to storing pellets? ➤Find out more about proper pellet storage!
- What is condensing technology?
Here you'll find everything you want to know about condensing technology. ✓ Explanation ✓ Function ✓ Net calorific value ➤ Find out more about condensing technology!
- All about solar thermal systems
Pellets and solar make a perfect pairing. However, a few fundamental points need to be clarified before installation ➤ Find out more!
- All about pellets
- Planning advisor
Anforderungen einer Pelletheizung kennen und richtig auf den Einbau vorbereiten >> der Planungsratgeber hilft weiter.
- Wood pellet tank
So planen Sie den Aufstellort für Gewebetanks einfach & richtig: ✔️richtige Tankgröße ✔️Größe & Lage des Tankraums >> mehr erfahren!
- Storage room
Lagerraum für Pellets richtig planen: ✔️Lage & Größe ✔️ Brandschutz ✔️Ausstattung ✔️ >> jetzt mehr erfahren & losplanen
- Chimney
Die richtige Planung für den passenden Kamin >> jetzt mehr erfahren.
- Wood pellet tank
- CO2 Ticker
ÖkoFEN CO2-Ticker - mit jeder ÖkoFEN Pelletheizung werden wertvolle Tonnen CO2 eingespart und so das Klima geschützt.
- FAQs
Wir haben die wichtigsten Fragen und deren Antworten rund um Pelletheizungen zusammengefasst: ✔️verständlich ✔️kompetent > jetzt Antworten finden.
- Energiesparmesse 2025
Besuchen Sie ÖkoFEN vom 5. bis 9. März 2025 auf der Energiesparmesse in Wels. Erleben Sie nachhaltige Heizlösungen, persönliche Beratung und spannende Live-Demos. Jetzt mehr erfahren!
- OekoFEN Advisor
- ÖkoFEN
- About us
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren sind wir Spezialist für richtig grüne Wärme und schaffen Heizlösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.
- Unicef Austria Cooperation
Gemeinsam für alle Kinder weltweit > für jeden verkauften All-in-One-Kombiwärmespeicher spenden wir ein "Sauberes-Wasser-Paket" >> mehr erfahren
- Sei So Frei Cooperation
Wir stehen voll und ganz hinter den Projekten, die wir unterstützen: So z.B. mit eigens entwickelten Öfen für Guatemala & der Kooperation mit "SeiSoFrei".
- Unicef Austria Cooperation
- Sustainability at ÖkoFEN
Green heat for a green future: Sustainability shapes everything we do at ÖkoFEN > The ÖkoFEN Way of Life > THAT is sustainability for us.
- Our history
Vom Mühlviertler Pellets-Pionier zu Europas Spezialist für richtig grüne Wärme > Familientradition seit mehr als 30 Jahren >> die ÖkoFEN Geschichte
- Our awards
Discover the awards and certificates from ÖkoFEN - your expert for sustainable pellet heating systems and heat pumps. Quality and innovation honoured multiple times!
- Press
We would be happy to help you in your reporting with suitable text and visual materials on the subject of heating with pellets & solar.
- Press releases
We are happy to support you in your reporting with suitable text and image material on the subject of heating with pellets & solar.
- Image database
✅ Product images ✅ Image images and more >> current imagery for your reporting >> download now
- Press releases
- News
Here you'll find all the latest news from ÖkoFEN.
- About us
- Contact
- Contact us
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Anliegen: ✔️online ✔️per Mail ✔️telefonisch mit Ihrem persönlichen Ansprechpartner. Einfach & unkompliziert: jetzt kontaktieren!
- Request information material
Would you like free information material about our products or do you simply have a question? ➤ Contact us now.
- Request information material
- Contacts close at hand
We have the most extensive sales & service network for pellet boilers in German-speaking countries ➤ Find your nearest contact now!
- Customer service
Your ÖkoFEN Service: Always nearby – always there for you! ➤ Contact us now!
- Become a partner
Gemeinsam noch stärker für die Energiewende - ÖkoFEN ist DER zuverlässige Partner für Fachbetriebe >> jetzt kontaktieren & Partner werden!
- Imprint
- Data protection statement
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