What sustainability means for ÖkoFEN

The concept of sustainability characterises everything we do. As a model green company, we show how working and living in a way that conserves resources can work. It all began with the revolutionary idea of using pellets, a fuel made from by-products of the wood industry, to heat single-family homes.  Today, we are the world leader in pellet heating systems and specialise in really green heat. And we want to continue to change the heating market honestly and sustainably in the future. 

Why ‘sustainability’?

Why we are doing this: Because our resources are not endless. Because we only have one future. Because only we can be the change that gives our planet a future.

That's why we have been producing green heat with our heating solutions for more than thirty years: on average, an ÖkoFEN pellet boiler saves as much CO2 annually as three diesel cars release.  

The ÖkoFEN Way of Life


Sustainability in our products

We use high-quality individual parts and emphasise durability as well as partners who share our attitude to sustainability and ‘fair business’. 


Sustainability in our locations

When it comes to the (expansion) development of our sites, we always focus on the best solution for people and the environment. The regional and renewable resource of wood is our constant companion.



Sustainability for employees

We live our work as far as possible in harmony with people, the environment and nature. A satisfied, stable team that drives the vision forward - that is also what we mean by sustainability.

"We are transforming the heating market towards sustainability and are a model company for the economy of the future."

CEO, Stefan Ortner

Sustainability with ÖkoFEN products

We emphasise quality and sustainability in all our products. For us, regional added value means that we know what we have in our region - especially at our headquarters in the Mühlviertel region of Upper Austria - and our regional partners. We work in a decentralised manner and are always close to our customers thanks to our many locations. We also ensure that only high-quality and predominantly European components are used for our boilers. This is why we are in close dialogue with our suppliers and rely on partners who share our values. We prioritise reliability and durability for all our products.

We rely on:

  • 95 % suppliers from Europe
  • 9.4 million tonnes of CO2 saved by our products over the past 20 years

Sustainability in our locations

Our construction projects are a sustainable investment in the future and a statement in favour of climate change: Sustainable construction methods - in particular the use of wood as a raw material -, minimal soil sealing and the use of renewable energies such as photovoltaics and hydropower are a matter of course for ÖkoFEN.

We rely on: 

  • Timber construction & tens of thousands of tonnes of C02 saved as a result
  • Green electricity, green heat & electromobility for all ÖkoFANs as well as more than 45,000 electric kilometres per year by 50 employees
  • Decentralised locations - we bring work to the people
  • Around 200 kWp of photovoltaics & around 200,000 kWh of self-generated green electricity per year
  • Around 4,000 m2 of parking space avoided thanks to two-storey hall extension
  • Green events and sustainable equipment for company events

Sustainability towards our employees

A sustainable approach to employees means not only taking care of their physical and mental health, or creating conditions for full ‘operational capability’, but also recognising potential and giving them the opportunity to develop. We want to offer workplaces where our employees enjoy spending their time.

This is why we deliberately avoid shift and record-breaking work in production and focus on regular working hours and workplaces with natural light. We want to recognise the potential of our employees, encourage them and give them the opportunity to develop within the company, because for us this also means ‘sustainable’ (co-)working.

On a small and large scale: In terms of sustainable workplaces, ÖkoFEN also uses as little plastic as possible. Our free water dispensers and reusable Climabottles, for example, make a valuable contribution here for every ÖkoFAN.


Our resolutions for the future

As a model green company, we prioritise further development, because there is always more we can do. That's why we have big plans for the future when it comes to bringing even more sustainability into our lives and our work:

  • In future, we will be expanding our PV systems in order to further improve our own electricity supply.
  • With our ‘biodiversity project’, we are creating a natural habitat for many plant and animal species directly on the company premises.
  • Water dispensers and reusable Climabottles are already our daily companions - in future, we will minimise our plastic consumption even further.
  • Our business trips will be as ecological as possible in combination with public transport and our e-car pool.
  • We source all advertising materials as sustainably and locally produced as possible.
  • In terms of nutrition, we are focussing even more on organic quality.

ÖkoFEN heart projects - social commitment with sustainability

We not only value regional partners, but also partners who share our values. This also applies to the projects we support. We are fully committed to the collaborations and projects we support. Here too, sustainability, longevity, quality and respectful cooperation are key for us.  

Cooperation with SeiSoFrei: Stoves for Guatemala

It is a matter close to our hearts that we support the organisation ‘SeiSoFrei’ in its projects in Guatemala in a very special way. Our employees developed a simple but efficient wood-saving stove some time ago. We have passed on the know-how for building the stoves to the local people and are proud that they have already equipped more than 1,900 families in 23 villages with these wood-saving stoves.

‘Clean water package’ for cooperation with UNICEF Austria

We want to help people who are already feeling the effects of climate change. We have had a partnership with UNICEF Austria since 2019. An organisation that is strongly committed to helping children in disaster or crisis regions and ensures that water and hygiene standards improve worldwide, especially for the little ones. For every ‘All-in-One combi storage heater’ sold in Europe, we donate a ‘Clean Water Package’ to UNICEF Austria.




For more inclusion: ÖkoFEN & ProWork

As a company with social responsibility, our collaboration with ProWork is also close to our hearts: since 2002, ProWork has been committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have a protected and meaningful workplace. Clients are given the opportunity to actively participate in the labour market through supervised and non-profit temporary employment. They can utilise their individual skills and talents at companies such as ÖkoFEN.